Red hair always seemed to express innocence but still had a certain mystery attached to it. There are so many red hair color available, from intense red hair to orange red hair. Red is the best hair color for fair skin, as it enhances facial features, making them appear soft and make skin glow. Since there are so many red hair dyes available it makes the process of finding the right color easier because of the wider range of colors.
Black Hair Color
Black hair always looked good on fair as well as on tanned skin. This is a hair color which definitely bring out the eye color doesn't suit everyone. It enhances certain complexions but it can also make other complexions appear dull, pale and lifeless. If the color matches the complexion it will help create a very sexy and mysterious look, a look most women can appeal to.
Choose the right color for your skin type and the tone of color which appeals to you most and you will definitely look stylish.
These colors will never go out of style because they are basic colors, the only thing that will change are the shades. Choose the one which suites you best and you will definitely be admired.