Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cheek Make Up Tips

Blush creates warmth or color on your face. This is what the women normally wish to attain on their face.

Blushers can be available in powder, cream or liquid and in a variety of colors.

The liquid and cream one need to be applied before powder. Mostly women prefer to use powder blush, as it is easy to use.

The blush can be applied easily by sweeping the blush downward from the ear to mid-cheek. You have to start it from a line from the top of the ear and end it at the apple of your cheek. The colors chosen should match exactly with your skin color.

1. Less quantity is best
2. Make sure to do the blush test first. Check in the mirror to see that your face is balanced after finishing your entire
makeup. You should use just enough blush only to make look as though you are blushing.
3. Apply some powder over the blush to make it soft. In evenings you can have bit heavier makeup according to the look you wish to obtain. Satin Powders in Golden Bronze and Candy Floss can be used as blushers and are suitable for nighttime glamour.