For a glowing complexion, it's very essential to have a healthy skin. I never abuse my skin and am very particular about the amount of sleep I get, as a good night's sleep really recharges your system. Given a choice I prefer hitting my sack instead of partying.
I do make it a point to visit the gym whenever possible. I concentrate on cardio combined with weights, as it suits my body type. I am lucky not to have any problem areas.
It's easier for people to assume that models follow some stringent diets, but I never deprive myself from any food. I eat healthy food and even if it were to eat ten meals in a day I would not mind it. My typical day begins with a cup of hot chai coupled with a packet of cream biscuits, followed with cereals and fruits for breakfast. I am not too finicky about lunch and dinner as long as it is well cooked.
Once I am off the glare of camera, I let my skin breathe by staying away from make up. I am particular about the shape of eye brows as it enhances the entire facial contours, I keep mine slightly arched and fuzz free. I am not much of a base user as I do not have dark circles.
I am blessed with healthy hair genetically, but I do look after them by indulging in a regular coconut oil hair massage.
Everyone should feel comfortable in what their body structure is like and work at improving it. I do not say it is bad to resort to artificial means like liposuction or implants but on a personal level, I won't be easily convinced about trying it. I used to be a smoker earlier but have given it up completely. And lastly, I think if you are content it not only shows but shines through your face.