is continuously growing and is being shed simultaneously. At any time, hair is growing and replacing shed hair. When this process gets disrupted, hair loss may occur. Hair loss can be psychologically a big put down, because every one is to some extent, worried about baldness and looks. Hair loss can be a major blow to a person’s self esteem and if it can be checked, it can certainly add value to external beauty and looks and give a boost to self confidence and self worth.
I will give below some herbal home remedies for hair loss. It is suggested that you may try them for a month or so to find some change in your Herbal Care For Hair Loss problem. Incase, one home remedy does not seem to work, do try a different remedy to find relief.
Not all remedies work on all kind of problems.Take 50 ml of coconut hair, heat it and add three flakes of garlic (squeeze the garlic juice into the oil) and four peppercorns (crush them into the oil). Let the oil cool by itself and then massage this oil into the hair. Regular application, will stimulate hair growth and result in healthy voluminous hair over time.An excellent hair tonic can be prepared by mixing almond oil, olive oil and castor oil in equal proportion.
Massage this daily into the hair to stimulate hair growth and improve hair texture.Another herbal remedy that works to reduce hair loss is prepared with olive oil. Take 20 ml olive oil and add one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon cinnamon powder to the mixture. Mix well to create a smooth paste. Apply this paste to the scalp and leave on for 30 minutes.

This will help prevent minor infections, reduce itching and stimulate hair growth. Leave on for 30 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Create this mixture, fresh every time, and use it once a week for 4 weeks to find significant improvement.
A quick and simple remedy for hair loss is simply crushing some garlic cloves and massaging the same into your scalp. This will improve blood circulation and it is recommended once every two weeks as a good way to stimulate hair follicles.Good diet is also essential for improving the condition of the hair. It is important to drink plenty of water, raw salads, yoghurt, leafy vegetables and whole grain cereals.
Cutting down on fried snacks, salt, sugar and aerated drinks helps in general skin and hair care.In case, hair loss is permanent and irreversible, then the only recourse is hair grafting or a wig. However many males look stunning with a bald head also so all is not lost if hair loss does not stop. The above remedies will normally work well in cases of minor hair loss if started well in time. It is best to treat conditions of severe hair loss through medical intervention.