If your lips are too thin and you wish they looked bigger, there is something you can do about it.
This is what you need to do in order to make your lips appear fuller:
Outline your lips with a light lip liner in a color that suits your skin tone.
Draw right on the top of your lips' natural line, don't go outside of it (this way you'll avoid the funny clown look). When you're done with the lip lining, it's time to apply lip color and/or high shine lip gloss.
You can use high shine lip color instead of lip gloss. To enhance the 3D effect of the lip gloss/ lip color, you can try to line your bottom lip with a lip liner that is 2-3 shades darker than the lip color. In general, darker lip liner creates that pouty look, so be careful with it.
You should apply the lip liner before applying the lip gloss/ lipstick.
If you're unhappy with your lips' shape, you can fix it up using face foundation.
If you need to deepen your V formation, cover the middle portion of your lips with face foundation and create a beautiful V-shaped curve using your lip liner. Add some lip color and gloss and it's done - sexy lips as easy as pie!